Saturday, April 11, 2009

Now that that's outta the way

Oh, you're still here? Either you're a fellow person who has no life, or are genuinely interested in my scribblings.
Here's hoping its the latter.

Second day into the Easter hols, and I'm bored outta my skull. Got a new phone, courtesy of Dad.
Meet the Motorokr E8. :D My life's that much better now.

Drama Tour leaves today, at what time I have no idea, but they leave today. I had a cry. I want to be on that plane. Hope they have tons of fun, and give those John XVII peeps hell. :D

Movies today, at 8. Should I or shouldn't I? It's a tricky question, on one hand, the antics of Inspector Clouseau (sp?) or on the other, extreme boredom.
[Well, there's always The Fast and The Furious 4 - gawk at the girls and whistle at the cars.]
Some of my female friends have expressed interest in watching Zac Efron disrobe in 17 Again - it makes no sense.


  1. lol.. im a fellow person that has no life... nice phone btw... AND GO TO THE MOVIES... or u can like have no life and stay at home.. which is what ill be doin cos i didnt get an invite :( ... lol fast and the furious 4 isnt out yet.. thats next week.. 17 again wasn't that bad tbh... but im pretty sure the girls would like it more than the guys...

  2. Aw, why aren't you going to drama tour?


  3. Whee, comments. :D

    Cheers, Ash. I'm going, I'm going, but only next week.

    Bitchy Mom + Uninformed Dad=No Drama Tour, Sam. Tis simple math.
